PDF of Sermon Slides: “Superiority – Giving It Up”
John 4:1-42
Superiority isn’t usually something we think of giving up for Lent. It’s a good thing, isn’t it, to be superior? But attitudes of superiority that lead to discrimination and division can inflict tremendous pain and damage on the people around us. This week’s message deals with Jesus’ encounter with a Samaritan woman at the ancient well of Jacob. This passage in John 4 reveals Jesus’ startling lack of “attitude” in his relationships with even those who his society counted as “inferior outsiders.” He rejects ideas of cultural and moral superiority. He reveals himself as the Messiah and true source of eternal life. He reminds us that human beings can never find true fulfillment through their limited resources but must seek strength and truth and purpose from their Creator.
Isn’t it time we crucified our pride and attitudes of superiority and labored with Jesus to break down the walls of hostility that separate human beings from God and from each other?