June 30, 2019 Youth Mission Team God Sightings
Youth Mission Team reports on their mission trip to Kentucky
Remember.... Every day we serve and worship a risen Savior... may our hearts be filled with praise for the Christ who is alive in our church!
I hope to see you in worship and in ministry to our community,
Pastor Bob
- Jun 30, 2019Youth Mission Team God Sightings
Jun 30, 2019Youth Mission Team God Sightings
June 30, 2019 Youth Mission Team God Sightings
Youth Mission Team reports on their mission trip to Kentucky
Remember.... Every day we serve and worship a risen Savior... may our hearts be filled with praise for the Christ who is alive in our church!
I hope to see you in worship and in ministry to our community,
Pastor Bob
- Jun 23, 2019God’s Choir
Jun 23, 2019God’s ChoirBy: Joy Tinsley
June 23, 2019 God’s Choir
Joy Tinsley will lead our worship services with both music and her own testimony. Please keep the mission team and Joy in your prayers!
Remember.... Every day we serve and worship a risen Savior... may our hearts be filled with praise for the Christ who is alive in our church!
I hope to see you in worship and in ministry to our community,
Pastor Bob
Psalm 22:22-25
- Jun 16, 2019To Be a Dad
Jun 16, 2019To Be a DadBy: Rev. Bob WeeksSeries: Father's Day
June 16, 2019 To Be a Dad
Suddenly we're deep into summer and, if you are like our family, you're trying to sort out vacation schedules, lawn mowing, and staying active in the church! The first and most important summer activity for those who love the Lord is prayer, reading His Word, and serving in His name. Let's make sure to leave time and energy for those core activities so that we will be strengthened and not drained by a busy summer schedule.
Remember.... Every day we serve and worship a risen Savior... may our hearts be filled with praise for the Christ who is alive in our church!
I hope to see you in worship and in ministry to our community,
Pastor Bob
Deuteronomy 11:18-21
- Jun 9, 2019The Other Side
Jun 9, 2019The Other SideBy: Rev. Bob WeeksSeries: Book of Mark
June 9, 2019 The Other Side
Rain at last! Things have been a bit hot and dry over the past few weeks, so it's good to see a cooler, wetter stretch forecast over the new week. It's amazing how dependent we are on things we can't control - the weather, the air we breathe, the grace of God.... Don't ever take these things for granted. Praise God every day for the free gifts he give us, especially the free gift of salvation in Jesus Christ!
Remember.... Every day we serve and worship a risen Savior... may our hearts be filled with praise for the Christ who is alive in our church!
See you in worship and in ministry to our community,
Pastor Bob
Mark 4:35-41
- Jun 2, 2019Dinner With Jesus
Jun 2, 2019Dinner With JesusBy: Rev. Bob WeeksSeries: Book of Mark
June 2, 2019 Dinner with Jesus
This Sunday, June 2nd, we begin a summer sermon series through the Gospel of Mark. Preparing for this series has impressed me with the absolute focus Jesus had on his mission. He came to seek and save the lost and that is still the mission focus of the church, the Body of Christ. I hope you will be around as much as possible this summer to grow in faith through the Gospel of Mark.
Remember.... Every day we serve and worship a risen Savior... may our hearts be filled with praise for the Christ who is alive in our church!
See you in worship, Pastor Bob
Mark 2:13-17
- May 26, 2019The Path To Freedom
May 26, 2019The Path To FreedomBy: Rev. Bob Weeks
May 26, 2019 The Path to Freedom
This Sunday, I am excited at the prospect of opening God's Word together on a weekend that reminds us that freedom is not something to be taken for granted - that it is purchased at a great cost. That applies to the freedoms we enjoy as citizens of The United States of America but more importantly, the ultimate freedom we have in Jesus Christ, a freedom that transcends finite nations and cost the very life of the Son of God.
Remember.... Every day we serve and worship a risen Savior... may our hearts be filled with praise for the Christ who is alive in our church!
See you in worship, Pastor Bob
John 8:31-36
- May 19, 2019The Greatest Graduation Speech Ever
May 19, 2019The Greatest Graduation Speech EverBy: Rev. Bob Weeks
May 19, 2019 The Greatest Graduation Speech Ever
This Sunday is Graduate Sunday at VUMC. We invite every high school, college and post-graduate school graduate to attend one of our worship services where they'll be recognized for their achievements, receive a gift from our congregation, and hear a message entitled "The Greatest Graduation Speech Ever."
Every day we serve and worship a risen Savior... may our hearts be filled with praise for the Christ who is alive in our church!
Pastor Bob
Luke 4:16-30
- May 12, 2019Every Believer’s Role as The Bride of Christ
May 12, 2019Every Believer’s Role as The Bride of ChristBy: Chad Brown
May 12, 2019 every believer’s role as The Bride Of Christ – Chad Brown
I believe I will get a loud amen from most men when I say that while we may envy moms for the incredible role they play in our families and community...we are also thankful that we don't have to endure the many challenges and responsibilities of being a mom!
To the almost perfect moms and to the moms struggling just to get through each day, this Sunday morning we come together to prayers and thanks for all you do for our children and community.
Every day we serve and worship a risen Savior... may our hearts be filled with praise for the Christ who is alive in our church!
Pastor Bob
Proverbs 31:10-26
- May 5, 2019Baptism – Dead to Sin, Alive to Christ
May 5, 2019Baptism – Dead to Sin, Alive to ChristBy: Rev. Bob Weeks
May 5, 2019 Baptism -Dead to Sin, Alive to Christ
This Sunday provides an opportunity for us to deal with some oft' heard questions about Christian baptism. In my May 5th sermon we'll open God's Word and discuss why Methodists have never been obsessed with the "technicalities" of baptism (such as how much water is used and whether a child is at an "age of accountability"); but put more emphasis on God's saving works and grace in the baptismal act as witnessed in Scripture. I hope you'll come and spend some time contemplating God's great gift of baptism.
With many prayers for a blessed week, Pastor Bob
Romans 6:3-11
- Apr 28, 2019Ants In Your Pants – The Story of Doubting Thomas
Apr 28, 2019Ants In Your Pants – The Story of Doubting ThomasBy: Rev. Jeff Allen
April 28, 2019 Ants in your Pants – The Story of Doubting Thomas
Pastor Jeff Allen will bring a message at both VUMC worship services around the story of "Doubting" Thomas from the Gospel of John.
Peace in the Risen Lord, Pastor Bob
John 20:20-24