Jan 19, 2020
We have so much to celebrate in this first month of 2020. By our human standards, our congregation is healthy. Our finances are solid, our second site (Aisle 7 Fellowship) has experienced solid growth. Our church staff works well together. Our church council leadership is committed and hard-working. Our members love and care for each other.
The list could go on and on.
So when I sit back and take stock of where we are as a church, it’s tempting to be satisfied.
But if the Scriptures tell us anything, it is that human standards are not God’s standards. The prophet Micah shares with us this timeless truth: “What does the Lord require of you? To act justly, and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”
So in this new year, let us measure our church with these three standards:
Are we acting with justice in every facet of our lives?
Do we love mercy and offer it to friends and foes alike?
Are we walking humbly with our God?
Those are the standards our Lord calls us to fulfill.
Grace, peace and love to all in this new year!
Pastor Bob