December 1, 2019 Stay Awake
This Sunday is the first Sunday in the Advent Season, a month long season of preparation for the coming of Jesus into the world - and of expectation of his Second Coming. Let's come together each Sunday to remember the promises of God fulfilled in Jesus Christ.
Grace and peace, Pastor Bob
Matthew 24:36-44
- Dec 1, 2019Stay Awake
Dec 1, 2019Stay AwakeBy: Rev. Jeff Allen
December 1, 2019 Stay Awake
This Sunday is the first Sunday in the Advent Season, a month long season of preparation for the coming of Jesus into the world - and of expectation of his Second Coming. Let's come together each Sunday to remember the promises of God fulfilled in Jesus Christ.
Grace and peace, Pastor Bob
Matthew 24:36-44
- Apr 28, 2019Ants In Your Pants – The Story of Doubting Thomas
Apr 28, 2019Ants In Your Pants – The Story of Doubting ThomasBy: Rev. Jeff Allen
April 28, 2019 Ants in your Pants – The Story of Doubting Thomas
Pastor Jeff Allen will bring a message at both VUMC worship services around the story of "Doubting" Thomas from the Gospel of John.
Peace in the Risen Lord, Pastor Bob
John 20:20-24
- Nov 25, 2018Thy Kingdom Come
Nov 25, 2018Thy Kingdom ComeBy: Rev. Jeff Allen
November 25, 2018 Thy Kingdom Come
Pastor Jeff Allen
Matthew 25: 31-46
- Jun 17, 2018A Martyr’s Faith
- Aug 6, 2017Traveling Lite
Aug 6, 2017Traveling LiteBy: Rev. Jeff Allen
August 6, 2017 Traveling Lite - Jeff Allen
"I have learned to be content with whatever I have." These words from the Apostle Paul in Philippians 4 will be at the center of the Rev. Jeff Allen's message this Sunday at VUMC. Learning to travel "lite" is one of the great gifts of following Jesus. As many students go back to school in the coming weeks and summer vacations end for others, may we all remember that many of the worries, fears, and possessions that weigh us down on our journey through life, can be easily laid down when we exchange them for the riches of knowing our Lord Jesus Christ.In Christ's Grace and Peace, Pastor BobPhillipians 4 - Apr 2, 2017The Firm Foundation
Apr 2, 2017The Firm FoundationBy: Rev. Jeff Allen
April 2, 2017 The Firm Foundation
Pastor Jeff Allen shares a message entitled "A Firm Foundation" from Isaiah 55 : 6-9 and Matthew 7:24-27.
- Jan 22, 2017Beyond the NO
Jan 22, 2017Beyond the NOBy: Rev. Jeff AllenSeries: (All)January 22, 2017 Beyond the No - What do we do when God says no.Sometimes God says yes. Sometimes not yet. Sometimes no.
Why so many people struggle with the concept of a God who can and will say no is a mystery. In the Bible there are numerous examples of godly people who accept God's "No" because their faith opens them to believing that the God of yesterday, today, and tomorrow has a better plan for our lives than anything we can conceive.
- May 3, 2015The Good Samaritan
- Jan 18, 2015Guest Preacher – Jeff Allen
- Oct 19, 2014Story of Jonah