wherever God calls us. In recent years we have sent mission teams to Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Florida, Mississippi, Maryland’s eastern shore, South Carolina, West Virginia and into our local community. In 2014 we purchased and packaged 20,000 meals for Stop Hunger Now and distribute almost 100,000 pounds of food each year to local residents through our Food Pantry located in a house behind our church building. Our Youth go each year on a one-week mission trip to an impoverished community in the eastern half of the U.S.
UMCOR Kits for Conference
The Verona UMW (United Methodist Women) are sponsoring a church-wide collection for UMCOR health kits for Annual Conference in June. The most needed kits are Health Kits and Bedding Kits. Over the next few months we will be collecting items that are part of the Health kits. In March, we are asking for the items below. Each kit requires the quantity noted.
Items may be brought to the church office.
Dear Mission Team of VUMC,
I hardly know how to thank such a wonderful group of guys and gals who spent the week at my home putting on a new roof. There were here from 8 a.m. till 8 p.m. most days. No only did they help me to save my home, but they ministered to me ach day as it is a very difficult time in my life.
I lost my wife of 58 years and so I am lost. One thing I am sure of is that she has a beautiful view of our new roof. Please keep me inn your thoughts and prayers.
You are a special church with special people and I am truly thankful for your caring and help. May God bless each one of you!
– Herbert Hildebrand