November 5, 2017 Theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven- All Saints Sunday
The Kingdom of Heaven must be an “upside down Kingdom.”
Every person I’ve ever met who lived out the beatitudes of Matthew 5 lived against the tide of human culture. They saw the world through Kingdom eyes and knew that obedience to God was the highest calling. That obedience would humble their hearts; cause them to be merciful when the world called for revenge; give them the courage to withstand human condemnation in exchange for God’s approval.
You have had those blessed saints in your lives. This Sunday is a day to remember all those who lived out the Kingdom values of Matthew 5; who were made holy by the grace of God in Jesus Christ; who now rest from their labors.
Truly, theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.
This Sunday is All Saints Sunday. Give thanks for all the saints in your life who are no longer on “this earthly plain” but who have blessed your life by their Godly love and example. I hope you will join us in worship as we light candles and offer up prayers for these loved ones.
Peace in Our Lord, Pastor Bob
Matthew 5:1-12