Feb 19, 2012
How Deep the Father’s Love
PDF of Sermon Slides for "How Deep the Father's Love" Recording of "Come, O Thou Traveler Unknown"  sung during both worship services on 2-19-12 by Joy Tinsley, accompanied by Bob Brydge. This hymn by Charles Wesley is referenced in Pastor Bob's sermon.
This is the third and last in our sermon series "That's the Power of Love."  In a world whose definitions of love are so skewed and shallow, how can we know what it truly means to love deeply? How do we begin to plumb the depths of God's love? 
       The first reasonable place to look is in God's Holy Word. We then examine our own personal experiences of God's love. We listen to the voices of those who through the centuries have given us unique insights into that love. And finally, we open ourselves to the leading and comfort of God's Holy Spirit.
         If you have felt a distance from God's love... if you have wondered how God could love such a sinner... if  you have despaired of ever feeling that love again... this Sunday's message is for you.
  • Feb 19, 2012How Deep the Father’s Love
    Feb 19, 2012
    How Deep the Father’s Love
    PDF of Sermon Slides for "How Deep the Father's Love" Recording of "Come, O Thou Traveler Unknown"  sung during both worship services on 2-19-12 by Joy Tinsley, accompanied by Bob Brydge. This hymn by Charles Wesley is referenced in Pastor Bob's sermon.
    This is the third and last in our sermon series "That's the Power of Love."  In a world whose definitions of love are so skewed and shallow, how can we know what it truly means to love deeply? How do we begin to plumb the depths of God's love? 
           The first reasonable place to look is in God's Holy Word. We then examine our own personal experiences of God's love. We listen to the voices of those who through the centuries have given us unique insights into that love. And finally, we open ourselves to the leading and comfort of God's Holy Spirit.
             If you have felt a distance from God's love... if you have wondered how God could love such a sinner... if  you have despaired of ever feeling that love again... this Sunday's message is for you.
  • Feb 12, 2012Conquer Through Love
    Feb 12, 2012
    Conquer Through Love
    PDF of Sermon Slides - Conquer Through Love" Moneyball Movie Clip (one-minute sermon illustration - save to your computer and play back). Pastor Bob uses this brief exchange in the movie Moneyball to build a metaphor for the Christian life.
    What does it mean that we are "more than conquerors" (Romans 8:37)? The entire chapter of Romans 8 builds and builds to the magnificent truth that through God's love in Christ Jesus we are "hyper-overcomers." The Apostle Paul calls us to live into this great truth and reflect the light of the Spirit of God within us. In Pastor Bob's reflections on this powerful passage, we are reminded that Jesus did not conquer death so that we might live in fear - he calls us to "run the bases of life" fully aware that Jesus has already "hit the ball out of the park." Through his love, we have already conquered everything life and death can throw at us.   
  • Feb 5, 2012Love Without Fear
    Feb 5, 2012
    Love Without Fear
    Open this PDF of this sermon's PowerPoint slides
    This Sunday we begin a new sermon series "That's The Power of Love!" Our first topic, "Love Without Fear," examines the truth revealed in the fourth chapter of 1st John that "perfect love casts out all fear." What does it mean to be so secure in our love for God, for each other, for self that we cease to live out of our fears and insecurities - and to live into the perfect love of God revealed in Jesus Christ?